Stress indicators
Do you know when you are beginning to be negatively affected by stress? If you could spot the signs early on in the process, you could maybe do something to help.
One of the core pillars underpinning much of coaching is around awareness. Helping someone be aware of their situation, what their options are, what resources they have access to and ultimately, awareness of where and who they want to be.
The same is true when thinking about mental health and recognising when we are struggling. There are times where major incidents or trauma can hit us hard in an instance, but often poor mental health is insidious. We can gradually sink under the external and internal stresses we are facing without really noticing that we are being affected. This is is where being aware of some of our indicators of stress can really help us spot the signs early and move to do something to alleviate the stress.
The graphic at the top of this post gives some of the common signs that people present when stress begins to take hold. Its not meant to be exhaustive but I bet some of them apply to you.
So take some time and work out which ones are your own stress indicators. Maybe talk it through with someone close to you, a family member, close friend, or a coach. The first step is always awareness. And with that awareness comes some power over it. My list is here and I have shared it quite widely so hopefully if I don’t spot the signs, someone close to me will.
Let me know if there are any indicators you recognise that aren’t on the list. And if you start to spot your own stress indicators, take time to take care of yourself. Have a look at this post for some simple tips: Kindness
My own stress indicators
If you are struggling with anxieties as you return to work and looking for someone to support you then please get in touch at richard@newdaycoaching for a free, no obligation introductory chat to explore how I may be able to help you through this time.
If you are an employer and would like to talk about how to support people through anxiety and stress above and beyond an EAP then drop me an email at the same address to discuss the benefits holding a session or series of sessions to do just that.